Welcome again to River Oaks Trace

Welcome again to River Oaks Trace

After a good deal of shopping around, I have found an affordable host for this blog site. My previous sites were built on low-cost, first-time offers for the first one year period. When the first year expired, the cost would go up dramatically. The host for this site has very reasonable costs which I hope will let me continue it for a long time.

The purpose of this site is to serve the members of River Oaks Trace Property Owners Association by providing entertainment and information relevant to life in the Trace. It is constructed very much like previous sites. Our governing documents are provided for your reference along with the minutes of Board meetings. Our financial reports are also available here, though they require a password to access them. All of our documents are open to the public; but, our financial records should be a little more secure as they can be misused.

If you desire to see our financial reports, please call Mike Marshall at 501-230-3652 and he will give you a one-use password to open them. When you close the financial reports file, you will need a new password to access them again.

I will not be publishing the Bulletin for a while, but instead will use this blog to share information and present ideas. Maintaining this site offers a richer experience as it gives the opportunity to share photos, video, and provide feedback convenience for you, the reader. Our beautiful community can be showcased here in a way that the Bulletin cannot match.

I will post as often as possible, so come back once in a while. I will try to post at least weekly, but more often if possible. Thanks for your attention.

M Marshall::mmarsha@fastmail.net

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