Back to the Future

Back to the Future

Let me first direct your attention to the most recent minutes (click here)of the meeting of the Board. It is a tough decision taking on a big project; but, after weighing the pros and cons, the Board thought it judicious to go ahead and rehabilitate our roofs from the hail damage that they sustained in April. There was some hesitation due to the sizable deductible of our insurance. With the help of our roofer we were able to find a workable financial pathway to get the work done. The effort is, however, not painless. The Association is going to have to raise fees for a finite period of time. All condo fees will increase by $25.00/month. This will fund repayment of money borrowed to meet our deductible, leaving our regular operating income for other repairs and expenses. It is planned that this rise in fees will sunset in approximately 36 months.

The condo fee increase will come with the delivery of new invoice booklets. As in the previous edition of these booklets, you do not have to return the coupons with your payment if you pay by check. Keep the books only for your records. Those who pay by automatic draft will have to sign a release for the Association to draft their accounts for the additional funds. For those who pay by draft, these booklets are only for their records also; they constitute the official invoices for monthly condo fees. New booklets and additional information will be mailed out in the next few weeks.

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