Garbage in; garbage out

Garbage in; garbage out

I want to take a little time here to tidy up a few things that are important for members to know. I will do this in a series of short posts to follow.

The photo above shows what we lovingly call the “dumpsite”. This inelegant term describes a partially enclosed corral used to receive refuse of various, but restricted, kinds. It was established some years ago as a one-point drop-off and pick-up location for trash . Note that it is divided by the short partition into a smaller and a larger section.

The smaller section (on the left) is for discards from the household like broken furniture, appliances, etc–things which cannot be discarded conveniently in a garbage bag. The sign posted in this section also instructs what not to place there–recyclables and regular garbage. These should be placed in their respective containers for pick-up.

The larger section (right hand side) is for vegetation only–grass clippings, shrub trimmings, limbs, etc. No inorganic material of any kind should be placed here. If leaves, for example, are put here, they should not be bagged as this introduces plastic into the mix. Landscaping refuse placed here is likely to be composted or mulched.

Please read the signs and use our dumpsite accordingly. Thanks.

M Marshall

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