

Homeless and struggling with addiction

I am sure many of you know Phillip Cypert who lives at #52, or have, at least, seen him around the neighborhood. He can be seen early in the morning walking his dog Buddy. What you may not know is that Phillip is a wonderful and blessed man who spends much of his time helping others. Besides the many charitable works he does through his church, he volunteers at the Good Samaritan Center distributing food, clothing, and other necessities, much of which he also collects. He is busy almost every day in some philanthropical effort.

One program that is most dear to him is a ministry called Daughters of the Other Side (DOTOS). This residential ministry helps women escape the grip of alcohol and drugs through fellowship, love, and a passionate focus on our Lord, Jesus Christ. It has given scores of women back their lives with renewed purpose through their relationship with Jesus. To learn more about this ministry, go to their Facebook page at

DOTOS is staffed with volunteers and gets support from local churches and donors; however, the needs can be overwhelming. Many of the women who come there literally come with nothing but the clothes on their backs and are in immediate need of basic provisions for daily care. Right now Phillip is looking for winter clothing–jackets, coats, gloves, scarves, boots, etc.–to take to them.

If you have items of winter clothing that you no longer need and are willing to donate, please call Phillip at 501-473-0077 and let him know where to pick them up. You will surely be blessed.

Another important way to help is with “gift bags”. Harp’s Grocery stores will set aside a generous bag of food items for DOTOS at your request when you shop at one of their stores in Searcy or Bald Knob. When you check out, you merely state that you want to purchase a gift bag for the Daughters. The bags are sold in increments of $10. Have a blessed day.


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