

Confused??? Let me give you some clarity about invoice booklets–formerly, payment booklets. At the first of this year we began doing much of our own accounting; that is, we took on the duties of accepting payment of your condo fees and paying the bills for the Association. These are known more formally as Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Accounts Payable (A/P). The reason we did this is that accountants cost a lot of money and, as a small association, we simply could not afford to pay for services which we could do ourselves. The money we save can be better used to provide important services like home repair. We were paying about $5,000.00/yr for an accountant; we still have an accountant now but we are only paying about $1,500.00/yr to our new accountant, mostly to manage our taxes. The savings of $3,500.00 will be better used elsewhere.

The Association uses a wonderful software tool called MoneyMinder to manage our finances. It does this efficiently and gives us great depth in reporting to members. There are dozens of similar programs available but MoneyMinder is lean and is perfectly suited to our needs. Most homeowner associations do their own finances and use one of the many programs out there; it just makes good sense.

The original purpose of payment booklets was to help us have better control of our income and help members know how much their payment is and where to send it. In the past our Boards of Directors relied on an honor system to do this. Members were merely told to call our accountant to have their method of payment set up. Such a practice is fine if there are only a few members; but, with several dozens of members it is inevitable that some are going to get lost–and that is exactly what has happened. Payments are missed and payment amounts misquoted.

Payment books, and now invoice books, are a solution to the problem stated above. Not only do members have a tangible invoice for their condo fees; but, they have all the information needed to get the correct amount to the correct party (our Treasurer) for processing. Members no longer have to return coupons with their payments; they submit their payments however they want. The invoices provide a material record of what they owe and are theirs to keep, or discard, as they wish. For members who sell their condos, it would be useful if they marked the months paid and pass the booklet on to their buyer who can then pick up where the seller left off.

Note: You do not have to send the coupon in with your payment. The pages are no longer perforated and cannot be torn out.

M Marshall

New Address; new mailbox

New Address; new mailbox

Perhaps you have noticed a new mailbox in the neighborhood on your walks or drive-by’s. It is marked with the number “10” and is much larger than our standard mailbox. This box is the new receptacle where the Association now gets its mail. Our new mailing address is 10 River Oaks Trace. As we are now doing much of our own accounting, we established this new address to receive our bills and condo fee payments.

You will notice that the box has two doors–an upper one and a lower one. The lower one is securely locked and can only be opened with a key; only Board members and the President have keys. The upper door is pulled down to insert mail and is designed so that people cannot reach in and retrieve the contents.

M Marshall



I have just recently renewed my commission as notary public. For those who may need the services of a notary, please contact me at 501-230-3652 and I will be happy to provide such, even on weekends and at any hour.

M Marshall

Delicious–these are the best

Delicious–these are the best

Old Fashioned Soft Molasses Cookies – These molasses cookies are an old fashioned holiday favorite!Super soft and packed with the amazing, rich flavors of molasses, ginger, and cinnamon. Just like Grandma used to make!

Old Fashioned Soft Molasses Cookies


  • 1 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
  • 1 Cup Butter, softened
  • 1/4 Cup Dark Molasses
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 2 1/2 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • 2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground Ginger
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Granulated Sugar, for rolling


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare a large baking sheet with parchment paper or non stick cooking spray, set aside.
  • In a large bowl using and hand mixer or stand mixer, beat together the brown sugar, butter, molasses, egg, and vanilla until well combined.
  • Mix in the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and ginger.
  • Shape the dough by rounded tablespoon fulls into 1&1/2 inch balls. Dip into the granulated sugar and place 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheet.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 13-15 minutes just until set. Remove cookies to wire rack for cooling immediately.

Click here to print recipe.



Homeless and struggling with addiction

I am sure many of you know Phillip Cypert who lives at #52, or have, at least, seen him around the neighborhood. He can be seen early in the morning walking his dog Buddy. What you may not know is that Phillip is a wonderful and blessed man who spends much of his time helping others. Besides the many charitable works he does through his church, he volunteers at the Good Samaritan Center distributing food, clothing, and other necessities, much of which he also collects. He is busy almost every day in some philanthropical effort.

One program that is most dear to him is a ministry called Daughters of the Other Side (DOTOS). This residential ministry helps women escape the grip of alcohol and drugs through fellowship, love, and a passionate focus on our Lord, Jesus Christ. It has given scores of women back their lives with renewed purpose through their relationship with Jesus. To learn more about this ministry, go to their Facebook page at

DOTOS is staffed with volunteers and gets support from local churches and donors; however, the needs can be overwhelming. Many of the women who come there literally come with nothing but the clothes on their backs and are in immediate need of basic provisions for daily care. Right now Phillip is looking for winter clothing–jackets, coats, gloves, scarves, boots, etc.–to take to them.

If you have items of winter clothing that you no longer need and are willing to donate, please call Phillip at 501-473-0077 and let him know where to pick them up. You will surely be blessed.

Another important way to help is with “gift bags”. Harp’s Grocery stores will set aside a generous bag of food items for DOTOS at your request when you shop at one of their stores in Searcy or Bald Knob. When you check out, you merely state that you want to purchase a gift bag for the Daughters. The bags are sold in increments of $10. Have a blessed day.