Storm Shelter

Storm Shelter

The daffodils have proclaimed that spring is imminent. Spring, of course, means that tornado season is also coming. There are plenty of tornados that occur out of season as well; in fact, one of the deadliest tornado outbreaks in our state happened on Christmas day–a little over a decade ago. To the point, tornados can occur any time of the year, but are more prevalent in the spring.

Searcy has been very fortunate; it has not experienced a destructive tornadic storm in the 74 years of my lifetime. The closest it has come is the devastating tornado that leveled the town of Judsonia just a few miles away, killing over 50 of our brothers and sisters. That storm happened on March 21, 1952.

The Trace has been blessed with a generous and caring member who has provided the only accessible storm shelter in the neighborhood–Carolyn B, owner of condo #24 where the shelter sits in the back yard. This post is a reminder to all who know and an instruction to all new members who may not know that the shelter is available to anyone who may need it. Although many choose to shelter in their homes, all should know that this bunker is ready to protect if the weather becomes dire. I watched the contractor construct it over a period of weeks. and there is plenty of concrete, steel, and skill embedded in this structure to defeat the strongest tornado.

Go by condo #24 and familiarize yourself with the location of the shelter. Practice opening the door and operating the latching mechanism so you will be prepared in the future in case you need to use this refuge. Most importantly, when the weather threatens to be dangerous, seek a safe place–this one will always be available to you.

Thanks Carolyn…mm

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