Water Meter Key

Water Meter Key

Pictured to the right is what is called a Water Meter Key. It is a sort of wrench used for turning water off and on at the water meter. Although it is most often used by plumbers and water utilities personnel, it can be used by homeowners as well. It can also be used to turn off/on most gas meter valves.

A homeowner is not likely to ever have need of one of these; but, as shown by the movement of the extremely cold air mass through the state recently (and the frozen and burst water pipes it left behind), homeowners should be keenly interested in how to shut off the flow of water and, therefore, how to use one of these handy tools.

Damage from water pouring into a house can be devastating and will certainly disrupt the lives of those living within. Water leaks can come from a number of sources–frozen and burst water pipes, old and corroded pipe joints, aged water heater tanks that have ruptured, etc. The most practical thing we can do is be prepared to shut off the water supply if and when such catastrophe occurs, thereby minimizing the harm done.

I want to thank Ron B (#23A) for the loan of his water meter key over the last few weeks; it helped limit the damage from the several broken water pipes we experienced here in the Trace.

I have purchased a water meter key for the Trace to be used by anyone who may need one. You may call me at any time and I can bring it to you; or, you can retrieve it yourself. To make it available to anyone, I will keep it behind the driver’s seat of my truck. Since I keep my truck unlocked virtually all the time, you are welcome to get it as you need it; of course, I am happy to use it for you. Just so you understand the process, please review the video below.

Mike M

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